The Psychedelics & Pain Symposium features presentations from experts and patients in the field of psychedelics for chronic pain and physical conditions.

The next psychedelic wave is in treating pain and physical conditions. Come learn at the leading edge.

Hosted by REMAP Therapeutics and the Psychedelics & Pain Association (PPA) with support from Psychedelics Today and Clusterbusters, the Symposium elevates the rapidly growing body of knowledge in research and pain-patient communities around the use of psychedelics for pain management, neurodegeneration, and physical conditions.

Day One | Foundations *FREE ACCESS*

Day Two | Advanced/Professional *Sliding Scale*

You can expect to hear from:

Researcherfrom top universities around the globe discussing their recent or current clinical investigations and results.

Clinicians & Practitioners sharing their subject matter expertise.

Real stories from a diverse group of pain sufferers and study participants discussing their response and/or resolution of chronic pain through the use of psychedelic medicines.

This 2-day online conference is the only one if its kind.


Details below!

A recording of Day One will be freely available to all registered attendees.

A recording of Day One & Day Two will be available for all paid attendees.

Day One | Foundations (*free access*)

Introduction to psychedelics for pain, best practices, harm reduction, access, real-world use, and more.

Learn from leaders in the psychedelic field on the potential of these medicines to treat a broad spectrum of conditions, including chronic pain, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammatory disorders. Day One will lay the foundation for understanding how psychedelics can be used to address physical health, extending beyond their well-known applications in mental health.



Introduction to Psychedelics for Pain & Physical Conditions | Court Wing

Best Practices, Harm Reduction, & Drug-Drug Interactions | CJ Spotswood, PMHNP

Psychedelic Clinical Overview & MDMA for Chronic Pain | Dr. Devon Christie

Psychedelics Trials for Chronic Lyme Disease & Alzheimer's, Potential Implications for Treatment | Albert Garcia-Romeu, PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Patient Perspective: MDMA & Psilocybin Treated my Long-COVID | MaryAnn Welke

Promise/Peril of Citizen-science in Psychedelic Research for Pain | Joanna Kempner, PhD, Rutgers University

Patient Perspective: Sacred Plants & Ceremonial Doctoring for Chronic Pain | Ariel Clark, JD

Clinical Trials of Psychedelics in Headache Disorders | Emmanuelle Schindler, MD, PhD, Yale University

Psychedelic Access & Policy | Allison Hoots, JD & Kevin Lenaburg

Grow, Source, Test Your Medicines | Bob Wold & Kevin Lenaburg 


Current research into neural signatures of pain, fibromyalgia, inflammation, headache, chronic Lyme, & more.

The emergent field of psychedelic medicines for the treatment of pain and physical conditions is growing rapidly. Hear from a broad group of researchers on their latest investigations, findings, and the potential implications. Day Two is paid access only, see ticket information below.

Each session will leave time for 10-15 minutes of Q&A.


Analgesic Effects of Psychedelics : From Surveys to the Lab | Mauro Cavarra, Maastrict University

Analgesic Potential of Low-Dose Psychedelics & Cathinones for Pain | Dr. Jan Ramaekers, JG

Psychedelic Integration with Existing Healthcare: Forward-looking Solutions, plus PsiloPain Trial updates | Julia Bornemann & James Close, Imperial College

Psychedelics for Pain: Key Mechanisms of Action & Psilocybin for Phantom-limb Pain trial (preliminary results) | Dr. Joel Castellanos, UCSD Center for Psychedelic Research

Psychedelics are Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Agents | Charles Nichols, PhD, Louisiana State University

Patient Perspective: CRPS & Complex Chronic Pain treated with Psilocybin | Lynn Watkins

LSD for Cancer Pain | Stephen Ross, MD, NYU

The Clusterbusters Survey: Preliminary Data from ~2000 respondents | Mark Burish, MD, PhD, UTHealth Houston & Bob Wold

Neural Signatures of Pain Patients on Psilocybin | Tess Veuthey, MD, PhD, Stanford School of Medicine

5HT Effect of Pain + Adjunctive Therapies | Gregory Corder, PH.D.


Select Tickets & Register Here

Select Tickets

Day One & Two: Foundations + Advanced/Professional (sliding scale)

STARTS: Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 11:00 AM
ENDS: Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Get FULL access to the Psychedelics & Pain Symposium, including Day Two for advanced lectures, preliminary results from current psychedelic trials (direct from the researchers), deep dive into mechanisms of action, live Q&A with presenting experts, and more patient stories of relief from specialized psychedelic protocols. 

Receive full recordings of both days, PDF copies of presentations, and a resource list.

Sliding Scale Pricing | $25-300 (to honor all capacities, we offer a sliding scale, see below to find your category, enter the amount at checkout)

  • $25, Community Supported (for those w/financial challenge)
  • $50, Basic Donation (for those meeting their financial needs)
  • $100, Benefactor (supports the work of the Symposium and partners organizations)
  • $300, Patron (highly supportive and comes with an optional 60-min Zoom session with Court Wing, Founder of REMAP Therapeutics & CoFounder of PPA)

Min. $25.00
Max. $300.00

Day One | Foundations (free, donations accepted)

STARTS: Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 11:00 AM
ENDS: Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Day One will leave you with a solid understanding of the potential use of psychedelic medicine for pain and physical conditions, the historical precedent for this line of treatment, the current state of psychedelic access and policy, best practices for harm reduction and benefit maximization, resources for safe sourcing, and case histories from real-world folks who have found relief from chronic pain through the use of psychedelic medicine.

Day One is *free* for all who register, donations are accepted! Recommended donation is $25 (supports the work of the Symposium and partners organizations).

We highly encourage you to join both Day One and Two for a far deeper dive, direct access to researchers and clinicians, and preliminary looks into current trials in the field.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Coming soon

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